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The Stories of Gabriel García Márquez

Gabriel García Márquez: Someone Has Been Disarranging These Roses

Gabriel García Márquez: Someone Has Been Disarranging These Roses

Gabriel García Márquez’s Someone Has Been Disarranging These Roses is a surrealist short story about the spirit of a child who tries to bring roses to his grave every Sunday. The roses are grown by a devout woman who lives in the house where the boy once lived. Through the ghostly boy’s observation, the deep connection between him and the woman is revealed, a woman who tends an altar and grows flowers for a living.
Read the full story Gabriel García Márquez: Someone Has Been Disarranging These Roses
Gabriel García Márquez - El ahogado más hermoso del mundo3

Gabriel García Márquez: The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World

The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World (El ahogado más hermoso del mundo) is a short story by Gabriel García Márquez, published in 1972 in the collection La increíble y triste historia de la cándida Eréndira y de su abuela desalmada. The story begins when some children discover a body washed up on the beach of a small coastal village. When they take it inland, the inhabitants are astonished by its enormous size and imposing presence. While the women clean and prepare it, they wonder who the man was and what his existence meant. From this discovery, the town begins to transform inwardly, touched by the mysterious grandeur of the drowned man.
Read the full story Gabriel García Márquez: The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World
Gabriel García Márquez: The Woman Who Came at Six O’clock

Gabriel García Márquez: The Woman Who Came at Six O’clock

The Woman Who Came at Six O’clock (La mujer que llegaba a las seis) is a short story by Gabriel García Márquez published in 1950 in El Espectador. The story takes place in a small restaurant where José, the owner, receives a woman every afternoon who always arrives at the same time. However, that afternoon, although her routine seems intact, she insists that she has arrived earlier. Through a tense dialogue full of innuendo, the woman gradually reveals the reason for her behavior.
Read the full story Gabriel García Márquez: The Woman Who Came at Six O’clock
Gabriel García Márquez: Tuesday Siesta

Gabriel García Márquez: Tuesday Siesta

“Tuesday Siesta” (La siesta del martes) by Gabriel García Márquez tells the story of a mother and her daughter who travel to a small town on a hot August day. Their visit has a particular purpose that arouses the curiosity of the local inhabitants. As the plot unfolds, the reasons behind their journey and the history of their family are revealed. The story explores themes such as dignity, social judgment, and the complexities of family relationships, all within the context of a traditional Latin American society.
Read the full story Gabriel García Márquez: Tuesday Siesta
Gabriel García Márquez - El ahogado más hermoso del mundo. Resumen y análisis

Gabriel García Márquez: The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World. Summary and analysis

The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World is a short story by Gabriel García Márquez, published in 1972 in the book The Incredible and Sad Tale of Innocent Eréndira and Her Heartless Grandmother. The story begins when some children discover a corpse washed up in a small, isolated coastal village. When the body is brought to the town, the inhabitants are surprised by its enormous size and strange beauty. As they try to understand who this man was, his silent presence begins to awaken a series of emotions, thoughts and unexpected transformations in the community.
Read the full summary Gabriel García Márquez: The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World. Summary and analysis
Gabriel García Márquez: Tuesday Siesta. Summary and analysis

Gabriel García Márquez: Tuesday Siesta. Summary and analysis

Tuesday Siesta, a short story by Gabriel García Márquez published in 1962 as part of the collection The Funeral of Big Mama, narrates the journey of a mother and her daughter to a small town in intense heat. Dressed in mourning and with a serene attitude, they look for the priest to ask for the keys to the cemetery. In an atmosphere marked by the drowsiness of the siesta, the story shows how both women face the weight of social prejudice with dignity.
Read the full summary Gabriel García Márquez: Tuesday Siesta. Summary and analysis

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