Ernest Hemingway: The Killers. Summary and analysis

Summary of “The Killers”.

The Killers unfolds in an environment where tension and violence reign. The story takes place in a small town, and the plot scene revolves around two assassins, Al and Max. These men come to kill Ole Andreson, a former boxer, and their arrival at Henry’s diner introduces an atmosphere charged with menace.

At first, the killers handle the situation with intimidation. They mingle with George, the manager, and Nick Adams, a local youth. Soon, they declare their intention to kill Andreson, who often dines there. To avoid interference, they tie Nick and Sam, the cook, in the kitchen.

When Andreson does not show up, the assassins decide to leave and leave their work for another time.

Nick, shocked by what he has witnessed, decides to call Andreson. He finds him in his room, resigned and apathetic in the face of the death threat. Accepting his fate, Andreson chooses not to flee or fight. This encounter leaves Nick horrified and disillusioned about the violence and future Andreson faces.

The story concludes with Nick and George reflecting on the incident. Affected by Andreson’s impending death and what it reveals about violence and fate, Nick decides to leave town.”

Characters of ” The Killers “.

Nick Adams: He is the main character through whom the story unfolds. At first, he appears as an ordinary young man in the diner. However, his encounter with the killers and his visit to Ole Andreson bring him face to face with the brutal reality of violence and fatality. This encounter changes him profoundly, from innocence to disillusionment and horror. His decision to leave town ultimately reflects his inability to reconcile with the world’s unforgiving nature.

Ole Andreson: Former boxer who becomes the target of the killers. Despite being central to the plot, his role is passive. His resignation to his impending fate is a crucial element of the story. His apathy and acceptance of the approaching end contrast with Nick’s restlessness and confusion, highlighting the hopelessness and fatalism that permeate the narrative.

Al and Max: Are the hired killers arriving at the diner. Their presence introduces violence and danger into the story. Although they are not deeply developed characters, their cold and menacing attitude is essential to create the tension and fear that dominate the narrative. They represent the implacable and inexplicable forces of death and fate.

George: In charge of the dining room, he is a secondary character who serves as a witness to events. Although he does not experience significant development, his interaction with the killers and his conversation with Nick at the end provide additional insight into the events and reinforce the story’s emotional impact on the characters.

Sam: The cook is another secondary character who plays a minor role. His presence adds realism to the scene in the dining room, and he is a collateral victim of the violence that looms.

Setting in “The Killers”.

The setting in “The Killers” is more than a background; it is a character, shaping the tension and atmosphere. The story moves in two central locations:

Henry’s Dining Room: this is where most of it happens. It’s an ordinary place, typical of a small American town. But the arrival of Al and Max, the killers, breaks the normality. The contrast between this safe place and the impending violence creates a palpable sense of unease and threat. Once a refuge, the dining room becomes a space charged with tension and fear.

Ole Andreson’s Room: The other critical setting is where Andreson lives. It is a more intimate and personal space. But, like the dining room, it is fraught with doom. The description of Andreson, lying in the dark, resigned to his fate, underscores the fatalism. His room reflects his state: gloomy, resigned, cut off from the world.

These places are essential to the themes of the story. The dining room, with its normality broken by violence, shows how danger breaks into daily life. Andreson’s room is a last refuge, where one faces one’s fears and fate alone. Hemingway uses these settings to explore how we react to the threat and inevitability of death.

Style and Narrative in ” The Killers “.

In “The Killers,” Hemingway’s style is clear, direct, and crucial to the story. His traits include:

Minimalist Style and Direct Dialogue: Hemingway is known for his minimalism, and “The Killers” is a prime example. The prose is direct, with no frills. The dialogue is brief and realistic, adding tension and pace to the story. Events and character reactions speak for themselves without requiring lengthy explanations.

Focus on Action and Dialogue: Rather than detailed descriptions, action and dialogue are paramount. Hemingway focuses on what happens and what is said, not long descriptions of the setting or inner thoughts. This keeps the story focused and the reader attentive.

Subtext and Suggestion: Despite the direct prose, subtext is used significantly. Hemingway implies more than he says, leaving the reader to interpret the underlying themes and emotions. This is seen in how he handles themes such as fear, fatalism, and violence.

Third-Person Perspective: The story is told in the third person, allowing different points of view and reactions to be explored. This technique also provides objectivity and distance, reinforcing fatalism and inevitability.

An Atmosphere of Tension and Suspense: Hemingway creates tension and suspense with his style. Short dialogue and scenes full of unspoken implications generate anticipation and anxiety.

Critical Themes in ” The Killers”.

Hemingway’s “The Killers” dives into deep themes, reflecting recurring concerns of the author:

Fatalism and Determinism: The story is steeped in acceptance. The idea that certain events, such as death, are inevitable and beyond human control comes through clearly. Ole Andreson, resigned to his fate and not resisting death, exemplifies this. Hemingway questions the nature of the future and whether the individual can change its course.

Violence and its Impact: Violence is a key theme. The irruption of assassins disturbs the peace of a small town. The story reflects on how violence affects individuals and communities. Nick Adams, in particular, shows the emotional and psychological impact of violence, even on those not directly involved.

The Inevitability of Death: Hemingway touches on the inevitability of death. Through Ole Andreson, he explores how people cope with their mortality. Andreson’s acceptance of his fate contrasts with the anguish and confusion of Nick, facing death for the first time.

Isolation and Alienation: These themes underlie the story. Ole Andreson is physically and emotionally isolated, reflecting his alienation. Nick also experiences an increasing disconnection from his environment.

Loss of Innocence: Nick Adams symbolizes the loss of innocence. At first, he is a naive young man. But his experience with the assassins and Ole Andreson leads him to a darker understanding of the world, marking his move from innocence to disillusionment.

These themes are woven into an intense and thoughtful narrative typical of Hemingway. “The Killers” goes beyond being a story of a murder. It is an exploration of death, violence, fate and the human condition.

Historical Context

Written in 1927, “The Killers” reflects its time in both historical and cultural context:

Between the Wars: The 1920s was a time of change. After World War I, many in the United States and Europe were disillusioned and skeptical of traditional values. This is seen in the story, where characters like Nick Adams and Ole Andreson show disillusionment and fatalism.

Jazz Age and Prohibition: The 1920s, or Jazz Age, was one of cultural and social experimentation but also of contradictions. Prohibition, which attempted to restrict alcohol consumption in the United States, led to more organized crime. In the story, criminal figures such as Al and Max reflect this era of criminality and corruption.

Literary Modernism: At this time, literary modernism broke with traditional forms and explored new styles and themes. Hemingway, part of this movement, adopted a minimalist and direct style, showing reality without embellishment.

Lessons and Conclusions from “The Killers”.

Though brief, Hemingway’s “The Killers” offers profound reflections on human existence. Here are some key lessons:

Inevitability of Fate: History shows that some things, such as death, may be beyond our control. Ole Andreson, resigned to his fate, reminds us that we cannot always escape or change what awaits us.

Psychological Impact of Violence: Hemingway uses Nick Adams to show the psychological effect of violence, even when it is not directly experienced. The story teaches how violence can alter our perception of safety and normalcy.

Courage to Face Reality: Ole Andreson’s passivity and Nick’s decision to run away present two ways of facing reality. The story suggests that while facing reality is complex, there are better options than avoiding it.

Loss of Innocence and Awakening to Reality: Nick moves from innocence to disillusionment, a process of maturation and an awakening to the hard truths of life. The story shows that losing innocence is a step toward understanding and accepting reality.

Human Isolation and the Search for Connection: Ole Andreson’s alienation and Nick’s growing disconnection reflect the human struggle for connection and meaning in a hostile world. The story makes us think about our search for connection and understanding in a chaotic world.