Horacio Quiroga: Adrift. Summary and analysis

“Adrift,” a short story by Horacio Quiroga, narrates the intense struggle for survival of Paulino, a man who lives in the imposing missionary jungle on the border of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. One of the most emblematic of Quiroga’s work, this story immerses the reader in an experience where Nature plays a crucial role. After an unexpected event in his daily routine, Paulino faces challenges that test his endurance and cunning. In “Adrift,” Horacio Quiroga not only captures the essence of the human struggle against uncontrollable elements but also stands out for his detailed description of the jungle environment and the emotional complexity of the protagonist.

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Summary of “Adrift,” short story by Horacio Quiroga

“Adrift,” a short story by Horacio Quiroga, originally published on June 7, 1912, in “Fray Mocho,” is a narrative that immerses us in the desperate struggle of a man against the deadly effects of a snake’s venom and his lonely confrontation with the inevitability of death.

The story begins abruptly when the protagonist, Paulino, is bitten by a yararacusú, a poisonous snake while walking through the jungle. Although he kills the snake, he cannot prevent two minor bloody marks from appearing on his foot, precursors of the pain and swelling that soon take over his body. Paulino hastens to bind his ankle with a handkerchief in a vain attempt to stop the spread of the venom.

Arriving at his ranch, Paulino desperately seeks relief from alcohol but discovers that he has lost his sense of taste. His condition rapidly worsens; his leg swells monstrously, and he feels intense pain. Unable to receive help from his wife, Dorotea, Paulino makes a desperate decision: he sets out in his canoe for Tacurú-Pucú, hoping to find help before it is too late.

During the journey, his condition continues to deteriorate. He loses feeling in his hands and vomits blood, signs that the poison is spreading through his body. He cuts the ligature on his leg, revealing even more significant swelling and livid spots on his abdomen. Despite the gravity of his situation, Paulino refuses to give up and continues to fight for his life.

His journey in search of help takes him to the Brazilian coast, where he tries to ask for help from his compadre Alves, with whom he has had disagreements. However, his call goes unanswered. Exhausted and weakened, Paulino crawls back to his canoe, which is swept away by the current of the Paraná River.

At this point, Quiroga’s narrative becomes almost poetic, describing the river and the environment in vivid detail that contrasts with Paulino’s struggle. The description of the aggressive and silent landscape reinforces the sense of desolation and abandonment the protagonist faces.

In the final moments of his life, Paulino experiences an illusion of well-being. He believes that the poison is diminishing and imagines himself reaching Tacurú-Pucú. He remembers people and places from the past, but this brief moment of peace is short-lived. He soon realizes that he is chilled to the chest, a sign that death is near.

In the story’s last lines, Paulino slowly stretches out the fingers of his hand and murmurs, “One Thursday…” before he stops breathing. His death, though inevitable from the beginning of the story, comes suddenly and silently, leaving the reader pondering the fragility of life and the relentless march of death.

Main characters of “Adrift”.

Although brief, Horacio Quiroga’s short story “Adrift” presents a set of characters who play specific and symbolic roles in the plot. An analysis of the characters reveals how each one contributes to the atmosphere and message of the story.

Paulino: Paulino is the protagonist and the only character with significant development in the story. He is a man who lives in the jungle, which implies a familiarity with the natural environment and its dangers. This familiarity is challenged by the bite of the yararacusú, leading him to a desperate struggle for survival. His character is defined by determination and resilience, although these qualities are ultimately not enough to overcome the fatality of his situation. Paulino’s evolution from a state of control and self-confidence to accepting his impending death illustrates human vulnerability to the forces of Nature.

Dorotea: Although Dorotea, Paulino’s wife, barely appears in the narrative, her mention is essential in understanding Paulino’s isolation. She represents domestic life and normality, from which Paulino is tragically separated by his fate. Paulino’s inability to communicate with Dorotea symbolizes the rupture of human ties in the face of imminent death.

Compadre Alves: Although he does not appear directly in the narrative, Alves is mentioned as someone Paulino considers asking for help. This mention suggests that, despite past disputes, Paulino is willing to seek support in desperation. Alves’ lack of response emphasizes the loneliness and abandonment Paulino faces.

The snake (Yararacusú): Although not a character in the traditional sense, the snake plays a crucial role. Its bite is the story’s catalyst and symbolizes the latent danger in Nature. The snake represents the unpredictability and indifference of Nature, acting as an agent of destiny that triggers Paulino’s tragedy.

Nature: The jungle and the Paraná River are omnipresent elements that almost acquire the quality of characters. The jungle is a place of beauty but also hidden dangers, while the river, with its relentless current, symbolizes the inescapable flow of time and death. Nature in this tale is indifferent to human suffering, underlining the smallness of man in the face of its immensity and power.

The scenario in which the story takes place

“Adrift,” by Horacio Quiroga, is set in the jungle of Misiones and on the Paraná River, in the border region between Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. This location is crucial to understanding both the atmosphere and the development of the plot. The time of the story is not specified precisely. However, it is understood that it takes place at the beginning of the 20th century when these regions were even more remote and less accessible than today.

The environment in “Adrift” is an active and powerful element that influences every aspect of the story:

The jungle: The missionary jungle, known for its density and biodiversity, is a place of wild beauty and hidden dangers. In the story, the jungle is where the snake bite occurs, an event that triggers all subsequent action. The jungle represents the indifference and brutality of Nature; it is a place where life and death coexist, and man is a vulnerable intruder.

The Paraná River: The Paraná River is a central element in the narrative. Not only does it serve as a means of transportation for Paulino in his desperate search for help, but it also symbolizes the relentless flow of time and the inevitability of death. The current of the river carries Paulino along just as the poison spreads through his body, symbolizing his futile struggle against forces greater than himself.

Geographical isolation: The remote and isolated location where the story unfolds underscores Paulino’s loneliness and despair. This remoteness leads to the impossibility of getting medical help in time, intensifying the tension and sense of doom.

Interaction with the environment: Paulino’s relationship with his surroundings is complex. Although he knows the jungle well, it is demonstrated that even the most experienced are not safe from its dangers. His vulnerability to Nature emphasizes the fragility and ephemeral existence of human beings.

Climate and time of day: Although not explicitly detailed, the tropical climate and time of day (morning to night) influence the narrative. The sweltering heat and the transition to darkness heighten the sense of urgency and desperation in Paulino’s struggle to survive.

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Themes addressed by Horacio Quiroga in “Adrift”.

In “Adrift,” Horacio Quiroga addresses several central themes that are essential to understanding its depth and meaning:

The struggle against Nature: One of the most prominent themes is man’s struggle against relentless and often indifferent Nature. The protagonist, Paulino, faces adversity in its rawest form: the deadly bite of a snake. This event triggers a struggle for survival where Nature shows neither compassion nor clemency. The jungle and the Paraná River are presented not only as scenarios but as living and merciless entities that defy human existence.

The inevitability of death: The story is a meditation on death and its inevitability. From the moment of the bite, Paulino’s death seems inevitable. The plot follows his slow and painful path to this final destination, exploring the human reaction to the certainty of death. The narrative becomes a poetic and somber depiction of the physical and emotional decline that precedes the end of life.

Loneliness and Isolation: Paulino’s extreme loneliness, exacerbated by geographic isolation and inability to communicate with others, is a central theme. His struggle is solitary; even in his attempts to seek help, he is fundamentally alone. This solitude highlights the vulnerability and desperation of the individual in the face of uncontrollable circumstances.

Man’s relationship with his environment: The story also explores the complex relationship between man and his environment. Despite Paulino’s familiarity with the jungle, it is emphasized that even the most experienced are not exempt from lurking dangers. Nature is shown to be indifferent to human suffering, raising questions about man’s position in the natural world.

Fate and lack of control: Through Paulino’s experience, Quiroga examines the notion of fate and man’s lack of control over his own life. The story suggests that, despite our efforts and abilities, forces beyond our control can determine our destiny.

Resignation and acceptance: Towards the end of the story, Paulino experiences a brief moment of illusion of well-being before accepting his fate. This shift toward resignation and acceptance can be interpreted as a commentary on the human condition and how we cope with the inevitable.

Nature’s indifference: The underlying theme throughout the story is Nature’s indifference to individual suffering. The jungle and the river do not react to or alter Paulino’s tragedy, reflecting a worldview where Nature operates according to its own rules, oblivious to human concerns.

Narrative point of view: Who narrates the story in “Adrift”?

Horacio Quiroga’s short story “Adrift” is narrated in the third person. This narrative choice is fundamental to the way the story is presented and how the fate of the protagonist, Paulino, is perceived.

Omniscient narrator: The narrator in “Adrift” is omniscient, meaning he has complete knowledge of Paulino’s thoughts, emotions, and experiences. This perspective allows the reader to delve deeply into Paulino’s physical and psychological suffering, his struggle to survive, and his gradual acceptance of impending death.

Objectivity and distance: Using a third-person narrator, Quiroga maintains a certain distance and objectivity. This allows the story to unfold more dramatically and allows the reader to observe events with a broader perspective without being limited to the main character’s understanding or biases.

Panoramic view: Using the third person also facilitates the vivid description of the natural environment, jungle, and the Paraná River, which play critical roles in the story. The narrator can describe these elements in great detail, which enriches the story’s atmosphere and underscores Paulino’s insignificance and vulnerability in the face of the vastness of Nature.

Emotional implications: Through this point of view, Quiroga also manages to evoke a sense of inevitable tragedy. The reader knows the gravity of the situation from the beginning, creating sustained tension and tragic anticipation throughout the story.

The universality of the experience: Quiroga lends a universal quality to Paulino’s experience by narrating the story in the third person. Rather than simply one man’s struggle against death, it becomes a broader representation of the human condition in the face of the uncontrollable forces of Nature and the inevitability of fate.

Writing style employed by Quiroga in “Adrift”.

In “Adrift,” Horacio Quiroga implements a writing style that is characterized by several distinctive elements that contribute significantly to the atmosphere and impact of the story:

Detailed and sensory description: Quiroga employs a narrative rich in detailed descriptions, especially when portraying Nature. His descriptions are deeply sensory; he describes not only what is seen but also what is felt, smelled, and heard. This creates an immersive experience for the reader, who feels transported to the Misiones and the Paraná River jungle.

Realism and accuracy: The author uses a realistic style with meticulous attention to detail. This is evident in the description of the snake bite, Paulino’s physical symptoms, and the natural environment. Quiroga, knowledgeable about the jungle and its dangers, writes with precision and knowledge, which adds authenticity to the story.

Economy of language: Although detailed, Quiroga’s style is also economical. His prose has no excesses; each word seems carefully chosen for its purpose. This economy of language contributes to the tension and urgency of the story.

Use of symbolism: Quiroga incorporates symbolism subtly into his narrative. The snake, for example, is more than just a physical danger; it symbolizes unexpected death and unpredictable Nature. The Paraná River is a body of water and a symbol of the flow of time and destiny.

Oppressive and tense atmosphere: The narrative style generates an oppressive and tense atmosphere. The description of Paulino’s physical and emotional deterioration, together with the unforgiving environment, creates a sense of despair and doom.

Psychological Focus: Besides the physical description, Quiroga focuses on Paulino’s psychology. The narrative explores his thoughts and emotions, which allows for a deeper understanding of his character and experience.

Lyricism in describing the setting: Despite his realism, there are moments when Quiroga employs poetic lyricism, especially when describing Nature. This not only embellishes the text but also contrasts with the brutal reality Paulino faces, thus enhancing the tragedy of his situation.

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Narrative tone

In “Adrift,” Horacio Quiroga employs a predominantly somber, tense, and fatalistic tone, reflecting the gravity and inevitability of the protagonist’s situation.

Gloomy tone: From the beginning, the tone establishes an atmosphere of pessimism and doom. The narrative is imbued with a sense of hopelessness, which is accentuated as Paulino struggles in vain against the snake’s venom.

Tension: The story has constant tension and a sense of urgency. The tone reflects Paulino’s agonizing struggle against time and physical deterioration, which keeps the reader in a state of expectation and concern for the protagonist’s fate.

Realistic and direct tone: The tone is also remarkably realistic and direct, particularly in describing Paulino’s symptoms and surroundings. Quiroga does not embellish or soften the raw details of the situation, which intensifies the story’s emotional impact.

Melancholy and reflective tone: Toward the end, the tone becomes more melancholy and reflective, especially as Paulino begins to accept his fate. The narrative plunges into a quiet resignation, reflecting the character’s state of mind in his final moments.

Impersonal and objective tone: Despite the story’s emotional intensity, the tone maintains objectivity and impersonality. The omniscient narrator presents the facts clearly and without excessive drama, allowing the story to speak for itself.

Contrast between beauty and cruelty: The tone also captures the contrast between the natural beauty of the environment and Nature’s cruel indifference to human suffering. This duality adds a layer of complexity to the narrative, enriching the reader’s experience.

Historical and cultural context

The historical and cultural context of Horacio Quiroga’s short story “Adrift” is essential to understanding the work. The story was published in 1912, a significant period for both the author and the region where the story is set: the missionary jungle on the border between Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina.

The time and the author: Horacio Quiroga lived between 1878 and 1937, a time of significant social and political transformations in Latin America. Born in Uruguay and later settled in Argentina, Quiroga experienced firsthand the challenges and beauties of life in the missionary jungle, which profoundly influenced his work.

The missionary jungle: At the beginning of the 20th century, the missionary jungle was a remote, largely unexplored, and undeveloped region. This jungle, known for its dense vegetation and rich biodiversity, presented opportunities and dangers for those who ventured into it. Quiroga captures this duality in his tale, presenting the jungle as a place of natural beauty and mortal danger.

Contact with Nature: In this era, there was a more direct and often conflicting contact with Nature. Quiroga’s stories reflect a fascination with the jungle and its mysteries and a respect for its power and dangers. This is seen in “Adrift,” where Nature is not just a setting but a character.

Literary influences: Culturally, Quiroga was influenced by modernism and naturalism, which sought a more realistic and detailed representation of the world and the human being. This is reflected in his focus on detailed descriptions and exploration of the psychological states of his characters.

The vision of death: In “Adrift,” one can perceive a vision of death that reflects the attitudes of the time. Death is presented directly, without romanticism, as an inevitable part of life. This representation could be influenced by Quiroga’s personal experiences and by the broader context of an era where death was a closer and more visible presence in everyday life.

Loneliness and the struggle for survival: The theme of loneliness and the struggle for survival in a hostile environment is recurrent in Quiroga’s work. This reflects not only his personal experience in the jungle but also a broader sense of isolation and defiance that could be characteristic of early 20th-century Latin American societies in modernization and transformation.


Horacio Quiroga’s short story “Adrift” is a landmark work of Latin American short fiction that stands out for its ability to capture the intensity of the human experience in the face of the relentless forces of Nature. The story of Paulino and his desperate struggle for survival after being bitten by a poisonous snake is a profound study of the human condition, vulnerability in the face of fate, and the indifference of Nature.

With his distinctive style, Quiroga combines raw realism with an almost poetic sensibility to describe the jungle environment. The jungle of Misiones and the Paraná River are not mere scenarios but living and omnipresent entities that play a crucial role in the plot. This fusion of realism and lyricism is part of what makes “Adrift” so absorbing and captivating.

Quiroga’s economy of language and focus on sensory detail intensify the reader’s experience, allowing for total immersion in Paulino’s despair and loneliness. With its somber tone and constant tension, the narrative keeps the reader on edge until the inevitable and tragic denouement.

Thematically, “Adrift” is rich in explorations of mortality, isolation, and the human struggle against insurmountable odds. These universal and timeless themes make the tale relevant to reading beyond its specific historical and geographical context.

However, the story is only for some. The starkness of its realism and lack of a happy ending may not engage readers looking for a more optimistic or redemptive narrative. The work is ideal for those who appreciate literature, are unafraid to confront the darkness of the human experience, and are interested in the relationship between man and Nature.

“Adrift” would particularly appeal to readers interested in Latin American literature, tales of survival, and narratives that explore human psychology in extreme situations. It is also recommended for those who appreciate a writing style that balances vivid descriptions with psychological introspection.

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  • Author: Horacio Quiroga
  • Title: Adrift
  • Original title: A la deriva
  • Published in: Fray Mocho, June 7, 1912

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