Horacio Quiroga: The Giant Tortoise. Summary and analysis

Horacio Quiroga: The Giant Tortoise. Summary and analysis

The Giant Tortoise (La Tortuga gigante), written by Horacio Quiroga and published in 1916, tells the story of a sick man who moves to the jungle to recover. There, he finds a giant tortoise injured by a tiger and decides to take care of it instead of taking advantage of it. In time, the tortoise recovers, and when the man becomes seriously ill, the animal shows extraordinary loyalty.

Horacio Quiroga: A Slap in the Face

Horacio Quiroga: A Slap in the Face

‘A Slap in the Face’ is a short story by Horacio Quiroga, published in Fray Mocho on 28 January 1916, which explores violence and revenge in the obrajes of Alto Paraná. The story, set in the Paraná jungle, opens with Acosta, an unscrupulous steward who traffics caña among the labourers on the steamship Meteoro, unleashing chaos that is eventually brutally repressed. When order is restored, only one mensú is punished, tied to the ship’s mast. Unable to hold Acosta accountable, Korner, a ruthless skipper, turns his anger on the immobilised mensú, slapping him in the face. This abuse of power unleashes a simmering conflict that will continue for years.

Horacio Quiroga: Adrift. Summary and analysis

Horacio Quiroga - A la deriva. Resumen y análisis - imagen 1

“Adrift,” a short story by Horacio Quiroga, narrates the intense struggle for survival of Paulino, a man who lives in the imposing missionary jungle on the border of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. One of the most emblematic of Quiroga’s work, this story immerses the reader in an experience where Nature plays a crucial role. After … Read more