Isaac Asimov: Sally

Isaac Asimov - Sally

Sally is a short story by Isaac Asimov, published in 1953 in Fantastic. The story is set in an indeterminate future, where autonomous cars with positronic brains have replaced manually driven vehicles. At the end of their useful life, these cars are taken to a farm looked after by Jake, a man who admires and values their unique abilities. His favorite is Sally, an elegant convertible with an almost human behavior. The tranquility of the place is interrupted when Raymond Gellhorn arrives with the plan to extract the positronic brains to sell them on the black market—a project he plans to carry out with or without Jake’s collaboration.

Kingsley Amis: Mason’s Life

Kingsley Amis

‘May I join you?’ The medium-sized man with the undistinguished clothes and the blank, anonymous face looked up at Pettigrew, who, glass of beer in hand, stood facing him across the small corner table. Pettigrew, tall, handsome and of fully moulded features, had about him an intent, almost excited air that, in different circumstances, might … Read more