Ambrose Bierce: Oil of Dog
“Oil of Dog,” a short story by Ambrose Bierce published in 1890, is a darkly satirical narrative that follows Boffer Bings, a character whose parents run macabre businesses: his father
“Oil of Dog,” a short story by Ambrose Bierce published in 1890, is a darkly satirical narrative that follows Boffer Bings, a character whose parents run macabre businesses: his father
“In the Vault,” a short story by H.P. Lovecraft written in 1925, tells the disturbing tale of George Birch, a miserly and unscrupulous funeral director. While relocating corpses for burial, Birch gets locked in an old crypt, dug into a mountain, with no hope of imminent rescue. In desperation, he is forced to find his way out through a small opening above the door, which he tries to enlarge using the rudimentary tools he finds in the place. While working, Birch must face supernatural and terrifying events, a consequence of his past decisions, which will mark him for life.
“The Tree,” a tale by H.P. Lovecraft, tells the story of Calos and Musides, two talented sculptors and friends living in ancient Greece. Both face a test when they are
Jack London’s “The House of Pride” tells the story of Percival Ford, an extremely moralistic businessman distant from social conventions and superficial relationships, who during a party in Hawaii discovers
In “True Love,” Isaac Asimov weaves a futuristic story where Milton Davidson, a software engineer, uses advanced artificial intelligence to find his ideal mate. Inside Multivac’s vast computer system, Milton
“True Love,” a science fiction tale by Isaac Asimov, immerses us in a futuristic story where technology and human emotions are uniquely intertwined. The protagonist, Milton Davidson, an ingenious and